Live with Intention

We get what we ask for!

I have always liked the act of transformation, not always the process but having a vision and end game is really helpful.

It’s a bit like having a stat nav, so we know how to get there. There is of course different routes that we can take, some with bottle necks and long waiting time just like the roads that we choose to take on the journey.

I have always liked the idea of having several different ways to get to your destination or place you want to visit. As I told you in my earlier blog I liked to find new ways to get to work in the morning and home at night because I liked the challenge of doing something new and the variety. But some like to do the same thing and it’s familiar and comfortable.

Change is definitely uncomfortable , a bit like the growing pains we experienced when we were going physically.

Writing goals and having a vision is really helpful, we then live our life consciously and attract experiences to us that lead us to the goal.

I recently found a list of wishes and goals that I had written in my 30s and I had achieved them all without any real awareness of being focused on them.

When we wanted to move to our new house I had a picture of it in the process of being built and as most of you know it was not a linear process, and in fact at times we did not think that we would get here. But when you have a powerful vision and couple it with deep emotion you take action and your thoughts become things.

I now decided I want to live my life with full awareness as I head into my 61st year. I don’t want to play small or take a chance that I am not consciously creating my life and my goals .

This feels a bit scary and very “woo woo”. But here’s what I know the last 30 years have sped by and I don’t want to waken up at 90 (if I am lucky enough to live such a long life) feeling surprised , confused and wishing I had more time.

This is the story that has inspired me to keep going a few times when the going was tough.

Death had come for this person and they said “Oh no I ‘m not ready , there‘s still so much that I want to do ! Please can I have more time ? And death replies “You’ve already had (in my case) 61 years, how much more time do you want? How many chances did you have to ..start the new hobby, tell your family you loved them, start your own business, etc etc “

Painful Eh ?

But we always think we have lots of time and sometimes we waste it. Maybe with people who don’t inspire us, doing a job we hate because we’re too scared to try something new.

Here’s my message : Live each day in the energy that it’s a gift . Someone once told me it’s called the present for that reason. We’re not guaranteed tomorrow.

This may seem morbid but if we are still hung up on the school bully ruining our confidence , or the love that didn’t work out, or just because you are scared that someone will make fun of you or not like what you have to say or or doing.

I promise you the discomfort doesn’t last long. Don’t tie your confidence and self worth to anyone else, it comes from you and your intentions.

Start with INTENTION and then move through your day filtering everything through that .

And if you want to achieve something new, you will experience discomfort. Write it out ( like the sat nav) and take the first step.

There’s a great quote from the poet RUMI “ As you start to walk the way appears”

And always keep yourself accountable, small steps lead to big changes and don’t be scared to live a technicolour life .

Love as always Rosie x